Monday, September 27, 2010

I can do it.

I am enjoying C's helpfulness and independence. These traits are certainly the nice part about having a 3 year old around. She likes doing jobs and favours. She's been finding jobs to do all on her own too - which is sweet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Half Birthday

1/2 birthday for Baby E today. I am baffled as to where the time went. I know people say time flies. But really where did the time go?

With C the first six months didn't go this fast. I think because she was the first and I was so anxious and depressed and it was winter - she was born in September. It was just her and I spent a lot of time with her sleeping on me, because I could.

I want to freeze certain moments. And when I start to see in my mind the moments that I want to freeze my heart just breaks because those moments are going going gone. She is not my teeny tiny newborn anymore.

She is so curious and she loves watching her big sister. She laughs out loud many times each day when she sees her sister. She is happy.

Today she was a big teething mess. Sleeping more than usual and fussing lots when awake. Poor biscuit. But no actual teeth yet.

Anyway, Happy 1/2 Birthday dear dear E.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Workers Love Each Other

A few lots down from our house a house is being built. The construction workers were sitting on the porch together having a coffee break this morning as we were going out. C sees them and says, "Aw the workers love each other Mama look at them eating together." Very cute on a lot of levels.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Little Blue Birds

Started with this onesie:

Ended up with this:

Actually, 3 of them:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Could you go without TV?

Starting in one month we will be TV free. I should clarify. There will be a TV in the house and we can watch dvds and whatnot on it. We won't have cable.

Financially, cable TV is expensive for what you actually get. We don't watch it much during the day. After babies are in bed we watch, but there tends to be little on that is worthwhile. We will save at least $85 per month going cable free. That money will automatically go into a savings account designated for vacations.

I am curious to see if I can do this and what actually I will fill my time with.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A full night of sleep.

I was up so many times in the night with E it wasn't funny. Teeth maybe. Or growth spurt, because she ate like she was starving each time. And some of the wake ups were less than an hour apart.

I accomplished a lot this morning because I felt like if I didn't get going I'd crash. I can't crash when I am taking care of a 3 year old and a 5 1/2 month old. Crashing is not an option.

We were in the library parking lot and a woman told me she had 4 under 5 at one point and that her oldest is 20... and she hasn't had a full night of sleep in 20 years. Made me feel better, not. Hahaha.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Birthday Girl

C turns 3 today.

I said, "Happy Birthday C!" She replied with, "Happy Birthday, Mama!"

When she said that, I laughed at first and then I remembered her difficult birth and her first few days. 3 years ago today, at this very moment, it was all starting.

Happy birthday, indeed.